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 Certified Insurance Counselor designation program

Scholarship for new attendees


MARCH 26-27, 2025

MAY 14-15, 2025





Contact:            Danielle D. Janecka, Senior Vice President


                        The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research






AUSTIN, TX (February 2, 2016) -- The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research and the Utah Association of Independent Insurance Agents (UAIIA) have announced that the UAIIA will assume administrative leadership of the Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC), and Certified Insurance Service Representatives (CISR) Programs in Utah effective January 1, 2016.


The CIC Program, founded in 1969, is the nations leading source of advanced, technical education for the practicing insurance professional.  The CISR Program, developed as a companion program to CIC in 1986, provides practical education and training for all agency and company employees, particularly customer service representatives, in both classroom and online formats. 


UAIIA will conduct its first CIC institute (Agency Management) March 2-4, 2016 in Salt Lake City, and the first CISR course (Personal Lines Miscellaneous) will be offered in Salt Lake City, on March 1, 2016.


We are working closely with UAIIAs volunteer leadership and the associations Executive Director, Cheryl Lyman, to meet the educational needs of the insurance community in Utah, said William T. Hold, Ph.D., CIC, CPCU, CLU, President of The National Alliance.  With this new partnership, we are confident that our programs will have a wider reach and accessibility to industry professionals across the state.


Offering these proven programs to the insurance professionals of Utah, either online, in the classroom, or in-house, will significantly enhance the career path opportunities available in Utah.   


For specific information about program offerings in Utah, contact The National Alliance: 800/633-2165,


Based in Austin, Texas, The National Alliance for Insurance Education and Research has more than 46 years of experience and leadership in insurance and risk management education. The National Alliance advances the profession by providing insurance and risk management professionals of every experience level with integrated, practical continuing education, timely research and designation opportunities.  The education and training leads to one or more of the five distinguished designations Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR), Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), Certified Risk Manager (CRM), Certified School Risk Manager (CSRM), and Certified Personal Risk Manager (CPRM).  For information visit 



CIC Institutes - The Power to Improve
Insurance & Risk Management Continuing Education Designed For Your Company, Your Clients, Your Career.

The Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) Program is the insurance industry's premier, proven source for practical, real-world education.  You can expect to use the new knowledge immediately to increase value to your clients.
  • Current, practical course content, applicable to your every day work.
  • Ample choices - more than 300 institutes held nationally each year.
  • The coveted CIC designation signifies a higher level of experience and competence.
  • Curriculum tailored to your particular region.
  • You can substitute any CRM course for any on CIC institute to earn the CIC designation

CIC: What's in it for you?
Professional StandingAn informed, knowledgeable consultant and advisor stands our among the competition.  When you choose to attend a Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) Institutes, you get more than just "credits" for your time and money - you're on the way to earning the way to earning the CIC designation.

CIC helps keep you informed and up-to-date.  As the saying goes, "it's not what you know that hurts's what you don't know".

Industry Issues.  Being up-to-date isn't only a necessity, it's a responsibility.  Why put yourself at risk by not keeping on top of the issues that affect your day-to-day business operations?  the best way to avoid error and omission claims is by avoiding errors and omissions all together.

Five Institutes and a Career:
  • Personal Lines
  • Commercial Casualty
  • Commercial Property
  • Life & Health
  • Agency Management
Each institute is 2 1/2 days of instruction, followed by an optional exam.  The exam is required only for those working towards the designation.

To register or call 800-633-2165

Courses are available online.  Please use the link below.  The referral code is UAIIA.

The referral code will be entered just prior to checkout.